Auricula plants for sale usa
Auricula plants for sale usa

auricula plants for sale usa

It was with a heavy heart that I bought seven perfect little auriculas last spring, knowing full well that soon they would be dead. Icon - Check Mark A check mark for checkbox buttons. Icon - Twitter Twitters brand mark for use in social sharing icons. Icon - Pinterest Pinterests brand mark for use in social sharing icons. flipboard Icon - Instagram Instagrams brand mark for use in social sharing icons. Icon - Facebook Facebooks brand mark for use in social sharing icons. Icon - Email Used to indicate an emai action. Icon - Search Used to indicate a search action. Icon - Zoom In Used to indicate a zoom in action on a map. Icon - Zoom Out Used to indicate a zoom out action on a map. Icon - Location Pin Used to showcase a location on a map. Icon - Dropdown Arrow Used to indicate a dropdown. Icon - Close Used to indicate a close action. Icon - Down Chevron Used to indicate a dropdown. Icon - Message The icon we use to represent an email action. Icon - External Link An icon we use to indicate a button link is external. Icon - Arrow Right An icon we use to indicate a leftwards action. Pest and Diseases: Slugs, snails, root weevil, root rot, botrytis and powdery mildew can all affect primroses.DIY: The Not-So-Tricky Auricula Theater - Gardenista Icon - Arrow Left An icon we use to indicate a rightwards action. Possible cut flower or rock garden plant. Divide older plants after they finish blooming.Īdditional qualities: Attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Maintenance: Remove yellowing leaves whenever present. Primula vulgaris is often sold along with pansies as color spots and treated as annuals, but have the potential to be a short lived perennial given the right conditions. Primula malicoides (fairy primrose) and Primula obconica (poison primrose) are delightful early spring annuals. The majority of primroses are perennial in the Portland area. Some species such as Primula japonica and Primula veris are wetland dwellers while others such as Primula auricula are mountain species perfect for the rock garden. They thrive in fertile, well-drained, acidic soil with regular water (except Primulaauricula like alkaline soil). Origin: Around 400 species are found mostly through out the Northern Hemisphere.Ĭulture: Primroses are woodland dwellers that prefer morning sun, dappled sun or full shade. Drop in to see what is new and blooming! Varieties We will have a rainbow of colors and types. Here at Portland Nursery we will be carrying a wide range of Primroses this spring. These types are often grown in pots since they need sharp drainage and lime. They also have distinctive thick leaves with a powdery coating on the underside. This includes Primula auricula which has small clusters of flat topped flowers in a unique range of color. The third group is evergreen and heralds from mountainous areas. This group includes the common primroses sold as color spots. Primula vulgaris and Primula veris) bear bunches of flowers on 6-8” stems and bloom winter and/or early spring. They are often short lived, prefer damp soil and reseed. Primula capita and Primula japonica) show off their flowers in tiered clusters of 6-8 blooms on 1-2 ½ ‘ stems. The many types of primroses are divided into three basic categories. Other species such as Primula japonica and Primula veris reseed and create naturalized drifts in the shade garden. Some species such as Primula marginata are more diminutive and perfect for rock gardens or trough containers. Primroses combine fabulously with spring bulbs, evergreen grasses and dusty miller. An explosion of color in every shade of the rainbow, primroses primarily prefer cooler temperatures and therefore bloom early spring through May. The name Primula is derived from the Italian word for spring primavera. Primroses have been a vibrant addition to the spring, woodland garden and containers for over a century.

Auricula plants for sale usa